Boot problem slackellive-openbox-7.0

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Boot problem slackellive-openbox-7.0

Post by dimitris »

Hi there
I'm new to slackel. I downloaded slackellive-openbox-7.0.iso and wrote it in USB (using Linux Unetbootin).
Trying to boot two different notebooks, after a while I got the message:

*** Live system error - live media not detected - exiting ***
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off

Any idea what's wrong?
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Re: Boot problem slackellive-openbox-7.0

Post by djemos »

Read "USB Installation (frugal install)" from viewtopic.php?f=3&t=496
Slackel use its own script included in iso image, to write the iso to usb stick. This script label the USB "LIVE" and at boot time is looking for a usb stick labeled LIVE.
Unetbootin label the usb with some other label which i do not know.

Users who use a different program to create the live USB and this name the usb label differently than the default which is "LIVE" and/or also want to have many distributions on usb, can pass the parameter medialabel="YOUR_USB_LABEL_NAME". In this case slackel will be found and can boot.
Edit in the usb the menu_el.cfg or menu_en.cfg if you boot in english and add in the end *it is in bold bellow*
append initrd=/boot/initrd.gz max_loop=255 vga=791 locale=el_GR.utf8 keymap=gr useswap=yes copy2ram=no tz=Europe/Athens hwc=localtime runlevel=4 medialabel="YOUR_USB_LABEL_NAME"
where YOUR_USB_LABEL_NAME is the label the unetbootin gave to usb.

or at boot time on menu press TAB or e in keyboard if i remember well and type in the end medialabel="YOUR_USB_LABEL_NAME"
Then path to slackel in the usb, will be found and boot.
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